Pump increases - 600# to 1500 #
Let down valve - 1500# to 600 #
Line # changes in a LDT changes when there is
branching or
PSV - Gas
PRV - Liquid
In a pipeline transporting crude oil or
refined petroleum products, it is customary to talk about the “line fill
volume” of the pipeline. The volume of liquid contained between two valves in a
pipeline can be calculated simply by knowing the internal diameter of the pipe
and the length of pipe between the two valves.
The volume of liquid varies with temp., so the inlet volumetric flowrate may be different from the inlet or outlet depending on the temp. at which it is measured. The difference between the temp. is because of the heat loss or gain between the pipeline liquid, surrounding soil or atmosphere. The mass of a LIQUID DOES NOT change with temp. or pressure and it remains constant so the mass floret is constant.
Law of Continuity,
Mass = Area X velocity
Area x Velocity = constant = flowrate for liquids
Specific gravity = relative density = mass of liquid/ mass of water
Specific weight = weight / volume (N/m^3)
API gravity of 35 is always referred to at 60°F, not making 70°F.
Liquid - As the pressure increases, it gets more dense (earth's core). As the temp. increases, it gets less dense (heating bitumin).
ST=S60-a(T-60) - Linear relationship
The above method of calculating the specific
gravity of a mixture of two or more liquids cannot be directly applied when the
gravities are expressed in °API values. If the component gravities of a mixture
are given in °API we must first convert API values to specific gravities before
applying Equation (2.4).
Sb = (Q1 XS1)+(Q2XS2)/(Q1+Q2)
Sb=Specific gravity of the
blended liquid
Q2, Q3, etc.=Volume of each
S2, S3, etc.=Specific gravity of
each component
Gas - As the pressure increases, it gets more dense (Ideal gas law). ( Think about gas in a box with pressure increasing As the temp. increases, it gets less dense (Ideal gas law). (Think about warm gas rises and cold gas comes down)
As temperature increases, liquid viscosity
decreases and vice versa. However, unlike specific gravity, viscosity versus
temperature is not a linear relationship, its logarithmic.
Pressure - It does not vary much with pressure.
For gases, the viscosity increases with
The viscosity of a blend of two or more
products can be estimated using the following equation:
This method is
sqrt (Vb) = Q1+Q2/(Q1/SQRT(V1))+( Q2/SQRT(V2))
Vb=Viscosity of blend, SSU
Q1, Q2, Q3, etc.=Volumes of each
V2, V3, etc.=Viscosity of each
component, SSU
Using this method, the blended viscosity of
two products at a time is calculated and the process repeated for multiple
products. Thus if three products are blended in the ratios of 10%, 20%, and
70%, we would first calculate the viscosity of the blend using the first two
liquids, considering 10 parts of liquid A mixed with 20 parts of liquid B. This
means that the blend would be calculated on the basis of one-third of liquid A
and two- thirds of liquid B. Next this blended liquid will be mixed with liquid
C in the proportions of 30% and 70% respectively.
Fore more read book Liquid Pipeline Hydraulics by Shahi Menon